DigiCare Tillsammans

by DigiCare



Have a more enjoyable everyday life with social and interesting meetings.Here you can meet and socialize with other people on different themes, e.g. in groups for culture, sports or coffee. The meetings are online, but soon there will also be physical meetings. Do not worry, we tell you how an online meeting goes and you can also get help to get started by phone.The service is completely free.Once you have entered the app, you can easily see which digital meetings are available or start your own meeting. You and everyone else log in with BankID so that you probably know that others you meet are who they pretend to be. No registration required. We meet safely and easily.In 2020, we won, in competition with over 50 other companies and organizations, Nordeas and Breakits competition for the best solution for preventing and breaking isolation and exclusion among the elderly.